Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Marriage on Trial

Marriage on Trial: The Case Against Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting, by Glenn T. Stanton and Dr. Bill Maier. Downer’s Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2004. 198 pp. ISBN 0-8308-3274-2. 

Originally published in The Christian Librarian 50:42-43 2007

Glenn T. Stanton is director of social research and cultural affairs, and senior analyst for marriage and sexuality at Focus on the Family. Dr. Bill Maier is a child and family psychologist who serves as vice president of Focus on the Family and as its psychologist in residence.

The debate over same-sex marriage and a constitutional marriage amendment continues to escalate. We rarely hear “concrete” reasons why same-sex marriage and parenting is a good idea or is not a good idea. Glenn T. Stanton and Dr. Bill Maier make a convincing argument why same-sex marriage and parenting is not a good idea. Using a question and answer format, they provide answers to key questions asked by the same-sex marriage proponents: Why shouldn’t homosexuals be allowed to marry or how would legalizing same sex-marriage threaten the traditional family or “don’t children just need loving parents”?

The book is divided into three sections. Section one answer the same-sex marriage proponents’ questions. The second section explains why traditional marriage matters to adults, children, and society. The last section refutes myths about homosexuality, including are homosexuals born gay, or can they change their sexual orientation. The book includes in the appendix a discussion of change and hope with Mike Haley and Melissa Fryrear.

Based on current social science research, the authors show that same-sex marriage does not provide for children or society the same benefits as traditional marriage. Stanton and Maier’s purpose is to help the reader “to understand and explain (1) how harmful same-sex marriage and parenting can be to people and our culture, and (2) why natural marriage between one man and one woman is so important to the health of humanity”(p.13).

This book is highly recommended for all libraries. It will help every reader to better understand what is at stake in the debate over same-sex marriage and parenting.

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