Strategies for Dealing with Doubt
Newton suggests some strategies for
dealing with doubt. The first one is that some issues require us to hold a
“both/and position.” Some issues are not black and white. Second, we should be
“healthy suspicious, skeptical” of “some” scholars, but not all of them who do
not share our faith perspective. Third, students and scholars should maintain a
strong link to a local church. “This will help keep our feet on solid ground
and especially so if we can be involved in an active ministry—a practical
outlet of service with ordinary people to help us process the things we are
learning” (337). Fourth, we should remember the “past faithfulness of God.”
Fifth, we should be “suspicious of new and ground-breaking methodologies’
(337). Raymond Brown speaking of the Jesus Seminar observed, “If we ever make
Christian faith totally dependent on the latest scholarly interpretation of a
text, it could change each week.” We should draw on the riches of the past and
not be blinded by the new. Sixth, we should affirm the sovereignty of God. I would add that we need to cultivate the
virtue of humility and the hermeneutics of charity.
We have seen that Christians do
struggle with doubt. It is not a sin to doubt. As we have seen, even people in
the Bible struggled with doubt. Doubt probably just means we are human. It is
probably a permanent condition of our lives. Some people because of their
physical, psychological, and emotional make-up will be more prone to doubt. Doubt
can be beneficial. It is part of faith. It includes skepticism. We must not
believe everything. Not everything is true. Faith in God requires a healthy
skepticism. There is both constructive and destructive doubt. Destructive doubt
can have negative consequences. Doubt does not necessarily cause us to abandon
our faith. We chose to abandon the faith because of our doubts. We can choose
otherwise. Doubt is part of the process of growing as a Christian. It is a
painful process to grow in our faith through questioning. We do not need to be
afraid of intellectual challenges to the faith. As Flannery O’Connor stated:
“What kept me a skeptic in college was precisely my Christian faith. Itr always
said: wait, don’t bite on this, get a wider picture, continue to read.” Faith
and reason is not the same thing. Newman observed: “Do not suppose I have been
speaking in disparagement of human reason: It is the way to faith; Its
conclusions are often the very objects of faith . . . But still reason is one
thing and faith is another. And reason can as little be made a substitute for
faith, as faith can be made a substitute for reason. Ultimately, faith and
reason are compatible. Faith is not a leap in the dark. It is a leap into the
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