Kinchen : “Looking for a Bargain” Luke 14: 25-33
is the summary and response to a sermon delivered in chapel.
People are
asking the question: “How much can I get and how little do I have to pay?”
People are takers not givers. They do not want to give their best. This is a
major problem for students. They pay their tuition but do not want to work hard
to get an education. People want to expend as little effort as possible.
told the crowds following Him that they must count the cost. Dr. Kinchen used
the illustration of someone who began to build a home but didn't finish it.
What caused them to stop? Jesus said we must surrender everything to follow
Him. It costs our very life to follow Christ.
Kinchen noted that storms will come in everyone’s life. We must be prepared for
them. The author of the book of Job asked this question: Will a man serve God
for nothing? It is the storms of life that will determine if we have true
faith. Jesus said we must build our house on the rock. This is done by hearing
the Scriptures and applying them to our life.
Kinchen made an interesting statement. He noted that salvation is a process. We
were saved, are being saved, and will be saved. I find this statement quite
interesting. It is contrary to my experience in the Baptist church for thirty
years. The emphasis has been on making this one time decision. It has been all
about justification, but little mention of sanctification. As a friend once
told me, Baptists are good about telling us how to get to first base. The
problem, however, is that they forget that there are other bases.
is strange because the Baptist Faith and Message teaches that salvation is a
process. It teaches that we were saved-justification; we are being
saved-sanctification; and will be saved-glorification. Why is the idea that
salvation is a process is hardly mentioned in a typical Baptist church?
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