Derek Newton, “Faith, doubt, and biblical criticism:
spiritual survival in the shifting sands.” EQ
82.4 (2010), 326-339.
Newton argues that believers pursuing theological
studies will sooner or later “face the challenge of living in the tension
between biblical criticism and Christian faith” (339). What he means is that
Christian believers will struggle with questions that biblical criticism presents
to biblical materials. What should the Christian do? Newton’s paper begins the
paper by defining faith, doubt, and biblical criticism and then he looks at the
challenges “posed” by biblical and theologies. He provides some “benefits of
honest and careful biblical criticism” and strategies with dealing with some of
the challenges presented by biblical criticism.
T. France expressed the dilemma of this paper in this way:
“Coming from the warm security of an all-embracing
doctrine of the inspiration and authority of Scripture, the evangelical student
finds himself all at sea. Can he survive in these waters? Should he be here at
all? And if he should be here, has he any hope of making a positive
contribution to biblical studies, or is he ipso facto out of the game because
he is a conservative, and so will not play according to the accepted rules?”
(326) These are important questions and
are applicable to more than just biblical criticism.
J. Brown asserts, “It is possible to develop a love of learning and critical
analysis while at the same time deepening your personal faith commitments”
(327). Brown is asserting that faith and reason are compatible. It implies that
a Christian believer can pursue a life of the mind while pursuing a life of
defines faith as “a human enterprise-something that we as human beings seek to
exercise towards a person or object” (328). He thinks it is misperceived that
faith and doubt are “polar opposites.” He thinks some people falsely believe
that doubt “equals loss of faith, as if faith and doubt cannot possibly
co-exist in the Christian life” (329). The author does a good job in putting
the double-minded man of James 1:6-8 in its context. He explains how “James is
calling on his readers to ask for wisdom in the midst of trials” (329). Newton
insists that James is “saying that faith is a decision and commitment to trust
God . . . in spite of the doubts that may be pressing on us through a whole
range of circumstances” (330). He does not think James is “issuing a blanket
statement condemning all doubt” (330). Newton thinks that the opposite of faith
is unbelief, not doubt. He defines unbelief as a “persistent attitude involving
deliberate refusal” (330). In addition, Newton notes, “Stubborn, willful and
deliberate refusal to believe is what receives condemnation in Scripture, not the
genuine doubts with which the people of God struggle in all ages and in varying
circumstances. God has invested all his power and work in ensuring the
permanence of our faith and his available grace to help us cope with his doubts”
(330). Newton believes that God will sustain us by his grace to keep on
author thinks that the challenge of biblical criticism concerns “the nature of
scripture and the nature of biblical revelation.” He believes the Bible is both
human and divine. It did not fall from heaven. Biblical criticism deals with
the human dimension of scripture: literary, historical, and hermeneutical. He
asserts that biblical criticism “seeks to use every valid means at our disposal
to investigate and understand the purpose, meaning and application of the
biblical text” (332).
One additional point made in this article that was
helpful was his discussion of Fowler’s stages of faith. He notes how Fowler “is
convinced that people move through stages of faith during their lives and that
one of these stages involves criticism which he argues is not only acceptable
but indeed necessary on a journey of faith” (333). It is true that people
should move through stages in their faith and struggling with doubts is part of
the journey. Fowler thinks that faith
“is a process, rather than a state. He believes as faith matures, it becomes
deeper and broader” (333).
suggests some strategies for navigating the troubling waters of biblical
criticism. The first one is that some issues require us to hold a “both/and
position.” Some issues are not black and white. Second, we should be “healthy
suspicious, skeptical” of “some” scholars, but not all of them who do not share
our faith perspective. Third, students and scholars should maintain a strong
link to a local church. “This will help keep our feet on solid ground and
especially so if we can be involved in an active ministry – a practical outlet
of service with ordinary people to help us process the things we are learning”
(337). Fourth, we should remember the “past faithfulness of God.” Fifth, we
should be “suspicious of new and ground-breaking methodologies” (337). We
should draw on the riches of the past and not be blinded by the new. Sixth, we
should affirm the sovereignty of God. The author writes that there “are some
areas of biblical interpretation in which evangelicals will continue to take
different viewpoints” (337).
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